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Start Your Free Trial

Sign Up

After clicking "Sign Up", you will be asked to set up an account to begin your 30-day free trial. You will be asked for billing information to be used when your free trial period ends. Once your trial is over, your monthly membership cost is $6.99/mo. You may cancel at any time before your trial expires to avoid any charges.

At the end of the setup process, simply sign in on your Samsung SmartTV or Blu-Ray player. Please note you credentials will work on all AcornTV platforms including our website, Roku channel, iOS app for iPhone and iPad as well as your Samsung SmartTV or Blu-Ray player.

Already a Member?

Simply install the Acorn TV channel on your Samsung SmartTV or Blu-Ray player and use the the Sign In button to enter your existing username and password. Forgot your password? Click here to recover it.

Please note your credentials will work on all Acorn TV platforms including our website, Roku channel, iOS app for iPhone and iPad as well as your Samsung SmartTV or Blu-Ray player.